ANON (2)
Aged 48
Are you surprised the pandemic has lasted this long and with such devastating effect ?No, sadly I'm not really that surprised at all.
Why do you think it has been so widespread here and globally ?Some people not sticking to the guidelines, including travelling overseas.
Probably as well as can be expected. It is such an unknown situation.
What lessons do you think we can learn ?
To listen to the experts and to follow guidelines.
What has been your biggest challenge over the last year ?Home Schooling and not being able to see/hug friends and family.
What has been your worst and best moment (s) ?Worst moments: not being able to say goodbye to friends who have died, or attend their funeral or even meet up with their family to offer support face-to-face. Best moments: new memories made during Lockdown, being creative - online quizzes, birthdays, Zoom Christmas, hugging my parents through a cuddle curtain that we made!!
What has helped you keep you going ?Technology and my Christian faith.
Who are our heroes in all this ?
There are actually many heroes, people who have quietly got on with random acts of kindness.... Then there are the obvious ones like the NHS with their relentless work, frontline key workers, teachers etc.
But also volunteers who have carried on despite the risks. People who have continued to work at home, despite the difficulties of home schooling, local and central government with their endless new policies for such a time like this, helping to keep things going.
Also, people who have lost their jobs and so have started up something else to benefit others. There are lots and lots of heroes, including Captain Sir Tom!