From the Kent and Sussex Courier
Friday 28th March 1879 - SOUP KITCHEN AT FIVE OAK GREEN
ln connection with the Five Oak Green Congregational Church place of worship, a soup kitchen has been established for many years past and has given out an immense quantity of soup and bread which have been very eagerly and gratefully received by the poor inhabitants of the neighbourhood.
During this severe winter just gone, 1,724 quarts of soup and 672 loaves of bread have been distributed.
At the close of the most recent soup kitchen session, free tea was given when the large schoolroom was crowded. Afterwards a meeting was held, presided over by Mr. Waghorn, of Tunbridge Wells, to whose indefatigable efforts the whole management is due.
This being decidedly a meeting of females, the chairman, with his usual kindliness to the villagers, recently resolved to have the men to supper.
This resolution was practically carried out last Friday when 90 tickets were issued, and about that number of strong, stalwart Kentish men sat down to a very savoury and substantial repast in company with Rev J. R. Thomson, M.A., and Mr. Waghorn.
Mr H. Hassal, at the conclusion of the meal, proposed a vote of thanks to the Rev. Thomson and the non-conformists of Tunbridge Wells. He remarked that he did not know what they should do in this neighbourhood without them.
After the meal, all adjourned to the Chapel with the greatest order and sat listening with marked attention to the addresses.
The Rev. Thomson cited in eloquent but homely language the beautiful example of our Lord Jesus Christ who did not overlook the bodies of men, while at same time intensely seeking their spiritual welfare, showing that we did well in this way to imitate Him.