From The Kent & Sussex Courier - Friday 20 February 1931
The Committee appointed to consider the question of the compulsory notification of measles, reported that they had given careful consideration to the matter, and recommended to the County Council that arrangements be entered into with the Kent County Nursing Association whereby the nursing of measles in the homes of the patients could be undertaken by the District Nurses in the villages; and that, if and when considered essential by the Medical Officer of Health, authority be given for the engagement of additional temporary nursing assistance that cases of measles complicated with bronchopneumonia be admitted to Capel Isolation Hospital, Five Oak Green on the recommendation of the District Nurse or Medical Practitioner in attendance, subject to accommodation being available in the Hospital, and that no action be taken with regard to the compulsory notification of measles.
Major FIELD-MARSHAM was always loathe not to back up a Committee, but he considered that this was a serious matter. With regard to the first clause, it was against the rules of the Association, and they could not compel them. To his mind it was a dangerous thing to suggest that a nurse should go from a case of measles to an expectant mother, and that might result in the death of the mother and baby. He asked for reconsideration and further inquiries, and also the opinion of the Kent County Nursing Association. Measles was increasing in virulence, and was more dangerous than it used to be.
The CHAIRMAN thought that the soundest way would be to refer the matter back to the Committee. Mr. HALSEY thought that there was a lot in what Major Field Marsham had said. The matter was referred back to the Committee.