Mike Temple's chapter about the Holman family in Capel Explored mentions that in 1932 they gave 5 acres of their Capel Grange estate for community use as playing fields. This is the part of the recreation ground near to the village hall where the football and cricket clubs play their matches.

Two brick pillars formed the entrance, and they bore plaques recording the generous gift made by the Rev. & Mrs. Warwick Holman. The opening ceremony in July 1932 was performed by the Hon. Mrs. Cornwallis, daughter-in-law of Lord Cornwallis. These pillars were demolished many years later as the entrance was too narrow for the large vehicles bringing fairground rides to the annual fete, which had formerly been held in the field opposite Capel school, and the plaques were lost.

The recreation ground has since been extended by the acquisition of more land, but had it not been for the philanthropy of the Holmans almost 90 years ago there might be no public space for the residents of Five Oak Green to play sport, take exercise, and walk their dogs.

Good news is that, as part of the provision of new playground and games equipment, Capel Parish Council has agreed that the Holman gift will once again be properly commemorated.