Robert and Lynne Assirati (in our 70s)
Are you surprised the pandemic has lasted this long and with such devastating effect ?No, we predicted on the basis of what we had read that there would be a big second wave and a lesser third one.
Why do you think it has been so widespread here and globally ?The nature of pandemics (eg 1919) plus the much greater mobility and international travel.
How well do you think the crisis has been handled ?Given the unpredictability, probably well - difficult to do international comparisons as every country is different (and vary in the accuracy of their data).
What lessons do you think we can learn ?Be better prepared for the next one !
What has been your biggest challenge over the last year ?Keeping fit and sane.
What has been your worst and best moment (s) ?Actually a bit flat - a bit like hibernating.
What has helped you keep you going ?
Zooming with family and friends. Will we stop that now ?
Who are your heroes in all this ?
All front line workers and the vaccine scientists.
Any other comments ?
Be prepared for variants and an upsurge next winter - hopefully smaller.